BOARD FOR 2024–2025
Term began July 1, 2024. See a list of typical PTSA job descriptions to learn more.
co-Presidents — Regina Opalia | Gabrielle Ventenbergs
Secretary — Anne Gravrock
co-Treasurers — Sean Peterfreund | Joe Fitzgerald
Communications Chair — Hro Robison
Outreach & Community Building co-Chairs — Margaret Pak Enslow | Laura Zaugg
Race and Equity Chair — Becca Elenzil
Special Education Chair — Open
Annual Fund Chair — Denis Koenig
Global Reading Challenge/School Activities Liaison — Laura van Dijken
Advocacy Chair — Andy Jensen Building Leadership Team Grade Level Representatives — Neala Kendall (6th), Julie Choung (7th), Lauren Lavoie (8th)
We welcome participation! If you are interested in an open position or in getting involved with other PTSA Activities, please contact
“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.”
Board meeting and general meeting minutes are available upon request.