Please join us “virtually" at the last Meany PTSA general meeting of the school year on Tuesday, May 26th from 6:30-8:00 PM. (See meeting link below)
This is a very important meeting. We will vote on the Meany PTSA budget for next year and we will also elect our new PTSA board. Everyone is welcome!
Preview the proposed PTSA budget for 2020-2021.
We are looking for new people to join the Meany PTSA board for next year. We would especially like to connect with parents of incoming 6th graders from our feeder schools — Leschi, Lowell, Madrona, McGilvra, Montlake, and Stevens.
If you would like to learn more, please contact us at or join us at the meeting on May 26th.
At the PTSA board meeting on May 12th, the nominating committee presented the slate of nominees for the executive committee of the Meany PTSA Board for the 2020-21 school year. The list of nominees are the following:
President — Vivian van Gelder
Vice President — Elizabeth Geri
Secretary — Gilia Angell
Treasurer/Co-Treasurer — Joy Rothrock
The PTSA is still accepting nominations for the following board positions:
Communications Chair (Website & Newsletter)
Events Chair
Volunteer Coordinator
Community Building Chair
Equity & Outreach Chair
Membership Chair
Special Ed Parent Liaison
BLT (Building Leadership Team) Representatives, one per each grade
Legislative Chair
Any of the board positions may be held jointly by two people, and the roles have varying levels of time commitment. There are also many non-board committee roles. Read PTSA job descriptions here.
Topic: Meany PTSA General Meeting
Time: May 26, 2020 06:30 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Link to Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 849 2650 8293
Password: 887009
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Password: 887009
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