Meany Middle School is a public middle school in the heart of Seattle’s Capitol Hill neighborhood. Your PTSA is an inclusive, responsive, and energized community dedicated to supporting and enriching the experience of every Meany Middle School student, and empowering them with the knowledge, skills, empathy, and agency they need to make a positive impact in their lives and in the world.
Please contact us to get involved or subscribe to the Meany PTSA Newsletter to receive updates about events, activities, and important dates right in your email inbox.
You can also make a donation to Meany Middle School PTSA. Thank you for considering a gift!
Join the Meany PTSA!
Individual and dual memberships available. Join online or mail this form (with check stapled) to:
Meany PTSA, 301 21st Ave E., Seattle, WA 98112.
Ready to take the next step? There are plenty of opportunities to get involved and help out.